Tools for Change
Talk Therapy for Daily Life Challenges....
Sometimes people just need someone to talk to "puzzle" through things so they can be guided by their heart and mind. I help clients gain clarity and look at challenges, like work and relationships, from a different angel. I also help clarify goals for a more satisfying life.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Sabotaging Behaviors & Negative Beliefs
SP, a somatic (body) focused talk therapy, is a well researched internationally acclaimed tool for core level change. SP works directly with all aspects of an experience (mind, emotions and body) to discover and update unconscious, yet controlling, behaviors that can color, or misguide, how you see and experience yourself, your relationships and your environment.
This approach uses mindfulness (focused awareness) to discover and integrate new, previously unconscious, information surfacing from the mind-body connection. This gives a direct "3-D" felt sense of an issue for root level change. This is better than understanding an issue than analysis alone. It is quite common to understand your issue, but still be controlled by automatic beliefs and behaviors deep within your lower brain. SP can illuminate the unconscious "maps," from childhood that sabotage and color your emotional landscape. We then update, and anchor, supportive truths at the root level such as, "You are worthy of love and respect."
What to expect working with trauma….
For trauma and PTSD, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can reduce, or eliminate, it's residue through mindful focused awareness of remaining animal defenses from the event. The body holds the trauma memory. Unresolved trauma can re-activate the memory that can feel as if it is happening all over again.
To deactivate the trauma, we first talk about a tiny sliver trauma memory, careful to not overwhelm the person. We notice how it impacts the body, and then process it through to resolution. Our aim is to release the residue of the pent up animal defense that wanted to happen, but could not. Conditions might have been too unsafe for this release. For example, it might be too dangerous for a person being robbed to run or fight.
EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprograming), if appropriate for your make-up, can deactivate symptoms of trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a host of other concerns. The act of remembering an event while paying attention to alternating taps, tones or eye movements works with the neuro-circutry to help the brain reclassify a disturbing event as more benign. Afterwards, the client feels less triggered and more in control of their well-being.
Advanced Training in Complex Trauma and Dissociation-Janina Fisher, PhD.
For trauma, neglect or abandonment histories Dr. Fisher teaches how to deactivate, or manage, hijacking impulses and strong emotions to improve everyday functioning. Since the residue of trauma, or a difficult childhood, remains active in the nervous system, the body and the emotional brain centers, her parts approach helps stabilize a client's uncomfortable state of disconnection and feeling unsafe. This stability can replace self-defeating attempts to feel normal through addictions, numbing out, etc.
Buddhist Psychology
Buddhist Psychology is perspective I hold for myself to be present to all experiences--regardless of how pleasant or unpleasant. I studied with a Buddhist Psychologist, John Welwood, PhD, for many years. He cautioned against using Spirituality to bypass emotional or psychological issues. Both therapy and spiritual practices are needed.